Children Swimming
Children Swimming
Maximum ratio: 3 children: 1 teacher.
Group Classes
Maximum ratio: 6 children: 1 teacher
Ducks Stage 1
This is the first stage of our learn to swim programme. We will concentrate on water confidence and instilling a love of the water through games and play whilst teaching the foundations of swimming without our swimmers knowing it! By the end of this stage swimmers will be confident in the water, able to propel themselves in a variety of directions and jump in.
Frog Stage 2
The great range of equipment we will be using will provide interactive, fun and enjoyable lessons for our swimmers. By the end of this stage swimmers will be able to swim 5 m unaided on their front and back.
Starfish Stage 3
The time spent on water confidence and gaining a love of being in the water really comes into its own now. The building blocks to swimming all four competitive strokes begin in Stage 3. By the end of this stage, our swimmers will be able to swim 10 m confidently, demonstrate an understanding of all four strokes and perform a range of skills from Push and Glides, sculling, treading water and picking objects up from the pool floor.
Fish Stage 4
Stage 4 will see our swimmers perform three competitive strokes, Breaststroke, Backstroke and Front Crawl over at least 10 m. They will be able to perform 10 m of basic butterfly leg kick and complete a length of sculling. This stage also pregresses the already learnt skills needed for learning to dive. Swimmers completing this stage will now move onto swimming lengths.
Penguin Stage 5
Our swimmers on stage 5 will be swimming lengths, we are now honing in on the basic strokes already learnt and turning them into efficient strokes. This is the stage when completed you see a swimmer who can effortlessly swim 25 m plus in all three competitive strokes and 25 m butterfly leg kick with undulation. Water safety although taught in all stages is brought to the fore in Stage 5 with a focus op open water safety skills. Forward and backward rolls are a great fun element within this stage, the beginnings of learning starts and turns.
Dolphin Stage 6
Swimmers must now perform all their strokes to the A.S.A Regulations. Within this stage swimmers will be taught to swim quickly, effectively with these laws in mind. Mini polo skills, synchronised swimming skills and obstacle course are all taught within this stage. By the end of this stage we will have a swimmer who’s swimming will be not only confident enough but also strong enough to take part in many water based sports. You will see the difference in your child during this stage as their water fitness really starts to improve.
Whale Stage 7
Stage 7 sees the introduction to competitive swimming. We begin to teach our swimmers about timed swims, the pace clock and how to efficiently link one stroke to another through use of turns at the pool wall. The skills we ask them to perform are increasingly difficult and stretch their swimming ability whilst at the same time further increasing their confidence and improving their performance. Fitness is an essential part of this stage and swimmers will find their stamina tested, but will have a great sense of achievement after every lesson.
Shark Stage 8
This is our last stage. Distance swims are done within this stage as are, medley swims, swimming drills and swimming exercises. A swimmer who finishes the Swim Safe programme will have a life skill that will enable them to take part in any water based activity they wish; from swimming for fitness to swimming with dolphins, from canoeing to white water rafting, all these things are possible with the skills and confidence they have gained.

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